Road Construction VogeleRoad Pavers
Road Construction VogeleRoad Pavers
Mini Class: SUPER 800i
Combined with the AB 200 TV and AB 220 TV Extending Screeds, the SUPER 800i achieves outstanding precompaction results which are exceptional for a paver in this class. The SUPER 800i is the ideal small paver for a wide variety of jobs including the construction and reinstatement of farm tracks, small roads, footpaths or cycle paths.

Mini Class: SUPER 800i
Universal Class: SUPER 1803-3i
Universal Class: SUPER 1800-3i
Highway Class: SUPER 3000-3i
Universal Class: SUPER 1603-3i
Universal Class: SUPER 1600-3i
Mini Class: SUPER 700i
Highway Class: SUPER 2100-5i
Highway Class: SUPER 1900-5i